25 Best Foods For Your Skin

11. Olive Oil

Research reveals that 75% of the fats found in olive oil are the extremely healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, which aid in beating the signs of aging and promoting youthfulness. Olive oil is also incredibly rich in protective polyphenols, which aid in fighting off the damaging attacks of free radicals, which trigger acne and other skin conditions.

A recent study attempted to analyze the diets of 1264 women and they revealed that the regular and higher consumption of olive oil, which should be at least 8.5 grams of 2 teaspoons each day, had 31% lesser signs of aging as opposed to the women who consumed less than 1 teaspoon or 3.8 grams of olive oil. In terms of its powerful skin benefits, olive oil proves to be far more beneficial than other oils, even peanut and sunflower oils.

Olive Oil For Sensitive Skin
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Mint Images – Britt Chudleigh/Getty Images

12. Rosemary

Herbs, particularly rosemary, pack up a powerfully rich concentration of potent antioxidants that work wonders at protecting and nurturing the skin, especially countering the attacks of free radicals from the sun before they get a chance to cause damage to the skin.

A recent study revealed that consuming four or more herbs every day, such as ginger, thyme, turmeric and rosemary, can help cut down the risk factors of developing melanoma by an impressive 60%.

Rosemary Toner for Face
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Isabelle Rozenbaum/Getty Images

13. Water

Water is extremely essential to keep the skin hydrated and fresh, and staying hydrated is the best way to prevent the emergence of fine lines and wrinkles to keep your skin plump and supple. There are many more reasons to hydrate yourself with water rather than other beverages, you will not only avoid the excess sugar and calories, but also boost the production of collagen.

You see, bottled sodas, sports drinks and juices are packed with sugar, which cause your skin a great deal of harm. When our blood sugar levels are raised, sugars tend to get attached to the protein within the collagen, and trigger the development of certain compounds that make the skin appear wrinkled and saggy.

`Does Drinking Water Help Your Skin
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Nawarit Rittiyotee / EyeEm/getty images

14. Soy

Soy is extremely beneficial for healing the skin and promoting healthy growth of skin cells because of its rich concentration of isoflavone. A small-scale study attempted to study the benefits of isoflavone on a sample of middle-aged Japanese women, and the results revealed women who consumed 40 mg of aglycone, a kind of isoflavone present in soy, tend to had much lesser fine lines and their skin elasticity improved in 12 weeks as compared to the placebo participants.

The experts explained that isoflavone can aid in preventing collagen from breaking down, which prevents the emergence of fine lines, wrinkles and sagging. 3 ounces of tempeh can fill you up with a whopping 40mg of isoflavones, and you can obtain the same amount from 1 ounce of dry roasted soybeans or even 6 ounces of satiating tofu.

Organic Soybean Oil For Skin
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Lauren Burke/Getty Images

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