5 Surprising Foods That Cause Inflammation

2. Vegetable Oils

Refined vegetable oils or most popularly called as “cooking oils” (sunflower oil, soybean and so on) have an ingredient omega-6 fatty acid which aare essential fatty acids for your body. Yet unfortunately, omega-6 fatty acids function as pro-inflammatory substances contrary to omega-3 fatty acids (basically found in sea foods) which function as anti-inflammatory.

We consume more of omega 6s than omega-3s according to researchers which can assist in our inflammations.

Either have more of omega-3s in your diet via seafood intake or have olive oil instead of vegetable oil. Omega-6s are essential for normal inflammatory responses to infections but as its said “excess of everything is bad”.

3. Red Wine

A moderation in alcohol consumption i.e. two glasses of wine for men and 5 ounces of wine for women leads to lowering of C-reactive protein (CRP) in blood. CRP indicates or marks the level of inflammation in body.

Excess alcohol surely triggers its high level of production in liver i.e. indicating inflammation in body.

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